Contact us, arrange an appointment at a time and place convenient for both parties and exchange your cryptocurrencies for fiat or fiat for cryptocurrencies instantly, securely and discreetly. If you are a novice investor, you can count on the help of our representative, who will guide you step by step through the process of buying or selling cryptocurrencies, answer any questions and will dispel any doubts.
Transactions up to €1,000 are not subject to the mandatory KYC procedure, and by making the exchange you can be sure that everything is 100% legal and safe, both for the funds themselves and for your data.
The service for our regular, verified customers with access directly to the indicated address with the right amount of cash is the most convenient form of buying and selling cryptocurrencies. The same as for a cryptocurrency fixed exchange office, a mobile exchange point
With our representative you will exchange most fiat currencies including PLN, EUR, USD or GBP and cryptocurrencies including BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC, DOGE, ZEC, LBTC, XRP, or USDC, and the commission due per transaction depends on the exchange volume.
If you value the highest quality of service and transactions that are fast, hassle-free and discreet, make an appointment with our Concierge and arrange a meeting in the most convenient place for you: at home, in the office or