Our exchange policy makes this clear. No hidden costs. You will not pay an additional commission on the transfer of cryptocurrency, nor on the issuance of cash.
The benchmark is always USDT with us. We convert your cryptocurrency or cash into USDT and its exchange rate is calculated as the cash/crypto due value and commission.
For exchanges over 4 000 PLN, we do not add +100 PLN for handling the transaction.
*0 PLN for handling the transaction once for the publication of the opinion on the business card. Ask for details directly at the exchange office!
For transactions using currencies other than PLN (EUR/USD/GBP/CHF), we add +0.5% commission for currency conversion.
0 - 4K PLN
5% + 0 PLN* or 100 PLN for transaction processing
4K - PLN 20K
> 20K - 200K PLN
> PLN 200K
Regardless of the amount of the transaction
4% + network fees