We simply connect cryptocurrencies and business

Cashify for business are solutions for entrepreneurs who think ahead, want to expand their capabilities and open up to the financial revolution that is ongoing.

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Speed, convenience and benefits for your business

Discover the power of crypto-fiat payments and increase your business opportunities!

Suppose you are the owner of a dynamically developing software house with an open approach to innovation. Your client wants to pay in cryptocurrencies for your service because they value the speed and low cost of the transaction. You are wondering how to effectively convert it into traditional money to be able to pay your developers for the work. What's next?

You can choose one of two ways: settle everything on your own, collecting a ton of documents, registering on the exchange and extending the transaction time to the maximum, or use our brokerage and receive the transfer almost instantly after the KYB express procedure, risk-free, 100% legal and straight to settlement!


Wholesale Purchases

Are you planning to buy more than 600,000 USDC per year? Check what conditions we can offer you and enjoy the maximum reduced commission!

We support currencies such as PLN, EUR and USD. Contact us and find out the details!

Why is it worth it?

Together we will achieve more

Cashify for business is an express and hassle-free verification procedure (KYB), thanks to which even in a dozen minutes we can start cooperation and transfer your funds.

Thanks to the freedom of choice of withdrawal, you decide whether we should make a bank transfer, spend cash (USD/EUR/PLN) or deliver funds in the form of precious metals. You can lock the conditions (e.g. the current exchange rate) before the transaction, so nothing will surprise you during the transaction.

Our commission rates are adjusted to market standards to ensure you maximum financial benefits and cooperation satisfaction!

Jakub Bartoszek


Get in touch, see new opportunities and take your business to the next level!

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