13 marca 2025
Kryptowalutowe pułapki – jak nie dać się oszukać? Opowiada Jakub Bartoszek na łamach Pulsu Biznesu
Oszustwa finansowe to rosnący problem, a scamerzy z każdym dniem doskonalą swoje metody. Jakub Bartoszek w rozmowie z Pulsem Biznesu opowiedział o najczęstszych schematach oszustw oraz sposobach obrony przed nimi. W artykule "Kryptowalutowe pułapki – jak nie dać się oszukać?" znajdziecie konkretne przykłady, jak działają cyberprzestępcy i jak unikać zagrożeń.

December 26, 2023
Do the Robots
Work in the cryptocurrency exchange office on the Do Roboty channel
If you are interested in what the behind-the-scenes work at the Cashify cryptocurrency exchange looks like, why you should use a stationary purchase instead of an exchange and want to know the basic principles of safe use of digital assets, this episode is for you!

December 1, 2023
All about buying property for crypto on the island of Samana
Samana is an unconventional project by Marek Zmysłowski, thanks to which you can feel like in paradise! It is not only an investment, a move or a holiday home, but also participation in a visionary idea and a real impact on the further landscaping of the Dominican Republic.

November 22, 2023
Bitcoin.pl invites to “Cashifam - networking” in Warsaw
“Cashifam - networking” is a summary of the past year and a space to create plans for the near future. Cashify brought together its customers, partners and crypto supporters to celebrate the successes achieved through the collaboration.

November 18, 2023
Invitation to “Cashifam — talks about crypto” in Poznan at Bitcoin.pl
“Cashifam — talks about crypto” was a unique opportunity to gather in one place the entire community of the crypto industry in Poznań. During the event, participants were able to listen to inspiring lectures, participate in a debate and a networking session.

October 5, 2023
Bitcoin.pl about Cashify's visit to Dzień Dobry TVN
Cashify at Dzień Dobry TVN educates and raises awareness among breakfast TV viewers about cryptocurrency scams. The scale of this problem is huge, and scammers still go unpunished. How to protect your funds and not give in to scammers?

October 5, 2023
Cashify on the fight against scameras in Dzień Dobry TVN
Jakub Bartoszek, owner of the Cashify network of cryptocurrency exchange offices, during his visit to Dzień Dobry TVN, talked about how to recognize a crypto scam, how to protect his funds from fraudsters and what actions he takes to protect his customers.
September 30, 2023
BeInCrypto invites you to “Crypto Brejdaki” in Lublin
The first installment of “Crypto Breidaks” is an extraordinary event bringing together the local community of cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Free admission, 3 inspiring lectures, heated debate and intensive networking — this is how you can briefly summarize the past event in Lublin!

September 23, 2023
Guest participation in the Kryptoscam news series on Radio 357
Kryptoscam is a news series consisting of 5 episodes. In one of them, the authors of the recordings - Agnieszka Szwajgier and Dorota Salus - invited Jakub Bartoszek, CEO of Cashifa, to talk about his experience with scameras and how he saves his clients' funds from fraudsters.

April 17, 2023
About the cooperation of Cashify x BigShortBets in BeInCrypto.pl
Interior Capital, owner of the Cashify brand, has partnered with BigShortBets to declare the purchase of BIGSB tokens worth a total of $100,000! Thus, the network of cryptocurrency exchange offices has become a significant member of the project community authored by Rafał Zaorski.

April 7, 2023
Cashify as a partner of an educational meeting on Web3
Cashify took on the role of the main partner during the educational event organized by the EduWeb3 Foundation in Wrocław. The meeting was aimed at people interested in new technologies and their impact on our daily lives, work and education.

February 27, 2023
Bitcoin.pl about the cooperation details of Cashify x BigShortBets
The network of cryptocurrency exchange offices Cashify has established cooperation with the BigShortBets project. As part of the partnership, Cashify supports BigShortBets in its activities by providing reliable market information to the community, as well as offering them preferential exchange conditions for $BIGSB.

February 25, 2023
Comparic.pl about Cashify's partnership with BigShortBets
Thanks to Cashify's partnership with BigShortBets, the BIGSB community can enjoy the latest market information, and Cashify — become a significant member of the community by declaring and fulfilling the promise to purchase BIGSB tokens for the sum of 100k USD.
February 13, 2023
Invitation to “Tłusto o krypto” in BeInCrypto.pl
The first edition of “Tłusto o Krypto” is the inauguration of a series of events in Poznań, during which the speakers share their knowledge, experience and forecasts on the cryptocurrency market and Web3. The organizer is EduWeb3 Foundation and Cashify.