Discover the rules for exchanging cryptocurrencies and fiat with Cashify!
You can find all the locations of cryptocurrency exchanges and Cryptomats (Cashify's Bitcoin ATMs) on our map.
KYC, or “Know Your Customer”, is the process of identifying and verifying a customer's identity. It is often used to comply with legal regulations and to protect against fraud and money laundering. The KYC procedure involves showing proof of identity, such as an ID card or passport, and a signature statement that the details on the form match. We carry out KYC, AML procedures for transactions exceeding the amount of 1000 EUR.
AML, or “Anti-Money Laundering”, refers to a set of procedures, laws and regulations created to prevent money laundering. AML regulations require detailed customer verification (KYC process), monitoring transactions, reporting suspicious activity to relevant law enforcement authorities, and maintaining complete and accurate documentation for audit purposes. We carry out KYC, AML procedures for transactions exceeding the amount of 1000 EUR.
The registration of customer data for transactions above 1000 EUR is required by law, so in such cases we are obliged to carry out KYC and AML procedures.
For transactions up to EUR 15,000, data is not shared outside of Cashify. Cash transactions with the equivalent of EUR 15,000 and more are reported to GIIF, together with customer data and transaction data. Customer and transaction data are stored in the company's internal database.
The spread is the difference between the buy rate and the sell rate of a currency. Our base is the exchange rate from, to which spreads of different amounts are added. It is not constant, it changes depending on the dynamics of changes in the exchange rate, e.g. USD to PLN. The rate along with the spread can be set before the trade, as well as lock it for the duration of the trade to be sure how high it will be on the exchange.
Yes, we guarantee complete security during the transaction. We are a legit company operating 100% in accordance with the law, so you don't have to worry about losing funds or blocking your bank account.
The commissions in Cashify depend on the volume and the form of exchange. Detailed information about the commission can be found at Commission table.
Cash transactions with the equivalent of EUR 15,000 and more are reported to the GIIF. No transactions are reported to the Tax Office. According to the guidelines of the Tax Office, the tax should be paid.
We do not have specific minimum or maximum exchange amounts, but for larger exchanges it is worth contacting the selected office in advance to improve the transaction process. The minimum exchange amounts in Cryptocurrencies are dictated by the requirements of selected networks, e.g. the minimum purchase amount of BTC and USDC is 240 PLN, and XRP and ETH - 120 PLN.
The benchmark when exchanging is always the current USDC rate for us. Regardless of the cryptocurrency you want to buy or sell, we always calculate the exchange value based on the USDC rate.
During the transaction at the exchange office or mobile exchange point, our employee will show you the address of the wallet. When exchanging in Kryptomat, you will see the address in the form of a QR code on the Kryptomat screen.
Yes, as part of the Concierge service with access, Cashify commutes to the place indicated by the verified customer. Our mobile cryptocurrency exchange points can also be located in a convenient location for both parties. If you are interested in exchanges outside the office, please contact us and find out where we can meet.
Yes, as part of the B2B service and payment gateway we can safely mediate crypto-<->fiat transactions. Find out more on the site B2B.
For a successful transaction, remember not to refresh the page during the process (this will start a new transaction). Also take a picture of your unique QR code that you see on the screen each time. This will allow you to pick up cash at the Cryptomat of your choice.
You can find all cryptocurrency exchange locations on our map.
The transaction takes from a few to a dozen minutes depending on the network on which we send/receive cryptocurrencies.
We do not have specific minimum or maximum exchange amounts, but for larger exchanges it is worth contacting the selected office in advance to improve the transaction process.
Yes, we guarantee complete security during the transaction. We are a legit company operating 100% in accordance with the law, so you don't have to worry about losing funds or blocking your bank account.
Yes, exchanges up to 1000 EUR are anonymous, however we reserve the right to carry out KYC and AML procedure in justified cases.
You can check the amount of commission for the exchange in PLN on the website Commission table. First of all, it depends on the volume of the exchange, as well as the fiat currency being exchanged (from +0.5% for currencies other than PLN) or cryptocurrency. If you want to know the exact commission calculated for your specific case, please contact us.
For exchanges below 1000 EUR, we do not carry out the KYC procedure. When exchanging larger amounts, we are legally obliged to record transaction data.
Cash transactions with the equivalent of EUR 15,000 and more are reported to the GIIF. No transactions are reported to the Tax Office. According to the guidelines of the Tax Office, the tax should be paid.
The benchmark when exchanging is always the current USDC rate for us. Regardless of the cryptocurrency you want to buy or sell, we always calculate the exchange value based on the USDC rate.
Yes, the Cashify team will be happy to support you at every stage of the exchange.
To arrange a convenient exchange in the indicated place, contact us!
We do not add additional costs for replacement with commuting. The commission depends on the volume and form of the exchange, so we encourage you to familiarize yourself with Commission table.
Yes, please contact us and arrange the details!
Yes, it is enough that you are our verified customer (after conducting KYC procedure).
If you have any problems or questions about your Cryptomat transactions, contact support by phone (+ 48 575 840 804), messenger (WhatsApp or Telegram @cashify_support) or email (
To speed up the process, send a message or SMS with the following information: in what city the transaction was made, at what time, and in what currency and for what amount.
You can find all the locations of Cryptomats (Cashify Bitcoin ATMs) on our map.
The duration of transactions made by Cryptomat depends on the chosen cryptocurrency, the current load on the network and the size of the commission that is established for a given transaction. In the case of Bitcoin, transactions take about 10 minutes at a standard network volume and a standard fee. In special cases, the transaction can take up to 30 minutes.
The duration of cryptocurrency transactions depends on the cryptocurrency chosen, the current network load and the amount of fee that has been set for the transaction. In the case of Bitcoin, transactions take about 10 minutes at standard network load and standard fee. In special cases, a transaction can take as long as 30 minutes.
The commission per transaction is 3-5% +fee.
The maximum exchange amount in Cashify Cryptomats is 60 000 PLN. If you are planning a larger exchange, then check the amount of cash available in the device of your choice.
The minimum exchange amounts in our Cryptocurrencies are dictated by the requirements of the selected networks, e.g. the minimum purchase amount of BTC and USDC is 240 PLN, and XRP and ETH - 120 PLN.
For transactions up to €1,000 we do not require a full KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure, but we reserve to carry it out in justified cases.
Cashify cryptocurrencies support 4 cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC), Ripple (XRP), Ethereum (ETH) over the ERC-20 network, and USD Coin (USDC) over the ERC-20 network.
The choice between investing in coins or bars often depends on individual investment goals, budget and preferences. Both coins and bars have their advantages and disadvantages. If you want to talk about the options available, please contact us!
At Cashify Gold you can purchase gold and silver investment bars as well as gold and silver coins.
Currently, we do not buy precious metals.
The prices of precious metals, such as gold or silver, are volatile values and can fluctuate for various reasons. The key factors affecting their price are supply and demand, inflation, the value of the US dollar and geopolitical instability.
You can make a purchase yourself on the site or at the Cashify exchange office. The product is sent to the indicated address by the courier company.
The delivery time depends on the stock, the waiting time for delivery is a maximum of 4 working days. When purchasing, we require you to provide personal data such as name, surname, PESEL and address of residence, as well as the contact number for the courier. Purchases up to EUR 15,000 are not subject to the full KYC procedure.
Tak, w Polsce dochód uzyskany z handlu kryptowalutami podlega opodatkowaniu. Zyski z obrotu kryptowalutami są traktowane jako dochód z kapitałów pieniężnych i są opodatkowane zgodnie z przepisami podatkowymi.
Zyski z kryptowalut są opodatkowane stawką 19%. Dochód ten jest obliczany jako różnica między przychodem ze sprzedaży kryptowalut a kosztem ich nabycia. Aby rozliczyć się z zysków z kryptowalut wypełnia się załącznik PIT-38.
W zależności od specyficznych przypadków, mogą obowiązywać dodatkowe opłaty i podatki, np. podatek od czynności cywilnoprawnych (PCC) w przypadku kupna kryptowalut na rynku wtórnym.
Zgodnie z obowiązującym prawem nieopłacenie podatku od zysków uzyskanych z kryptowalut może prowadzić do kilku poważnych konsekwencji prawnych i finansowych, takich jak: kara finansowa, odsetki za zwłokę, postępowanie kontrolne, odpowiedzialność karna. Zazwyczaj w przypadku drobniejszych przewinień, za niezapłacenie podatku od kryptowalut możemy zostać ukarani mandatem lub grzywną.
Nie trzeba rozliczać się z kryptowalut, jeśli nie dochodzi do ich sprzedaży, wymiany na inne aktywa czy też wymiany na towary lub usługi, ponieważ samo posiadanie kryptowalut nie generuje przychodu do opodatkowania.
Aby prawidłowo rozliczyć podatek od kryptowalut w Polsce, należy przygotować rejestr wszystkich transakcji, w tym daty, rodzaj transakcji, ilość kryptowaluty oraz jej wartość w PLN. Ważne są również potwierdzenia transakcji z giełd, dokumenty dotyczące kosztów nabycia oraz wymiany między kryptowalutami. W przypadku darowizn lub spadków, konieczne jest udokumentowanie wartości otrzymanych kryptowalut. Dodatkowo, należy zachować informacje o kursach wymiany na PLN w dniu transakcji, aby poprawnie przeliczyć wartość transakcji.