Crypto Emergency

We help rescue cryptocurrencies and NFTs from seized wallets. We protect your funds released from staking, vesting or airdrop from scammers' bots. We specialize in regaining access to cryptocurrency wallets when you mess up the seed phrase or the word order is mixed up.

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Zgłoś problem

Do you have a problem related to your cryptocurrency wallet? Contact us as soon as possible - in many cases, time is of the essence!

Contact information

Cashify Crypto Emergency

Phone number:  + 48 515 517 355

(emergency telephone contact)


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See the cases we have helped

Thanks to the knowledge and experience of our experts, we have repeatedly restored access to cryptocurrency wallets and saved many people from losing their funds due to crypto fraud. We also conduct educational activities, teaching users how to use their wallets safely.

Withdrawal of funds from a seized portfolio - Mr. Adam's story

Mr. Adam reported the theft of Ethereum, which arrived at the address with a 10-day staking. We immediately took action, monitoring the thief. After unlocking the tokens, our program successfully paid them out to Mr. Adam's secure address. This story underscores the importance of responding quickly and working with experts to keep funds safe.

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Sprawdź prowizje

Rescuing a wallet from an erroneous seed phrase - Ms. Patricia's story

Mrs. Patricia reported a problem with access to her cryptocurrency wallet due to mixed up and misspelled seed phrase words. Our team of experts identified the typo and checked all possible combinations to recreate the correct phrase, allowing her to regain access to her wallet. Thanks to our quick response and cooperation with the experts, Ms. Patricia's wallet was safely restored.

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Stolen passwords - the story of Mrs. Sylwia

The key moment in Ms. Sylvia's story turned out to be when she gave the crooks remote access to her computer. It was then that the criminals stole all the sensitive information and took control of her accounts.

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Frequently asked questions

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What is a Crypto Emergency?

Crypto Emergency is a service that helps users solve cryptocurrency-related problems, such as lost access to the wallet (including lost password and mistaken order in seed phrases) or a bot connected to the wallet by a scammer. We mainly operate within the EVM network - Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Arbitrum and others.

What data and information do you need to help me?

To begin with, you will need the address of your wallet. We will check how the situation is and estimate whether we can help in your specific case. If so, we will need the seed/private key phrase to reproduce the wallet on your device. As for additional information, a detailed description of the situation, with dates or links, will be useful.

Does the time I report to you matter?

Yes, time is of the essence when it comes to theft or burglary. The sooner you come forward, the better the chance of saving your funds.

How much does it cost to help the Crypto Emergency Service?

The cost of our assistance depends on the complexity of the case. Contact us for a detailed quote. Settlement is on a success fee basis in case of failure, the client does not bear the cost.

The funds were sent to a different address, are we still able to recover them?

No, in this case, unfortunately, nothing can be done anymore.

My seed phrases or private keys have leaked. Are you able to help me?

If your seed phrases or private keys have leaked, we can take security measures to protect the remaining funds in your wallet. It is important that you contact us as soon as possible to increase the chances of regaining control of your wallet from the actions of a hacker.

A hacker took control of my cryptocurrency wallet and sent all the funds to his address. Are you able to help me?

Unfortunately, if the hacker has already sent all the funds to your address, we will not be able to recover them. In such cases, we can only advise you on how to protect yourself from similar situations in the future and how to increase the security of your cryptocurrencies.

The hacker took control of my cryptocurrency wallet, but there are still some tokens and/or NFTs left on it. Are you able to help me?

If the hacker has taken control, but there are still tokens or NFTs in the wallet, we can try to act faster than the hacker to save the remaining funds.

A hacker has taken control of my wallet, and soon the funds there will be released (staking or vesting). Are you able to help me?

If a hacker has taken control, but you are expecting funds from staking or vesting soon, we can try to act faster than the hacker to save some of the funds.

A hacker has connected a bot (e.g. sweeper bot) to my wallet, and I expect an airdrop/release of staking/vesting to this address soon. Are you able to help me?

In the event that a hacker has connected a bot to your wallet that automatically captures new funds, including small amounts needed to cover the cost of gassing, we can attempt to help and rescue the incoming funds. Our strategy includes monitoring your wallet and trying to react faster than the bot to capture airdropped/staking/vesting tokens. Each case is different, so after a thorough review of your situation, we will be able to determine what the realistic chances of success are for this operation.

I fell victim to crypto scammers. Can you recover the cryptocurrencies sent to the scammers?

Unfortunately, there is usually no recovery in such cases. However, we can help you analyze the situation and prevent future fraud.

Is there confidence that tokens from the seized wallet can be rescued or recovered?

Unfortunately, we can never be sure, because the attacker has equal access to the wallet and can perform the same transactions as us. We can try to perform the same thing only faster. Each case is different, so only after a more thorough review of the situation will we be able to determine what the probability of success is in trying to save the funds. However, we have several advantages over the attacker. We know of its existence and know its possibility. The attacker, on the other hand, may assume that only a person with “standard” skills has access to the wallet, who will only attempt to perform transactions “manually.” You, as the owner of the address, are the one who knows exactly what purchases you have made and what you are authorized to do at the address. An attacker may often not be able to find information about all the funds that an address is capable of receiving. Or, at least, it may take him longer than it would take you.

Can you verify if the person I am in contact with could be a crypto scammer?

Yes, we can conduct an analysis and verify if the person you are contacting has suspicious behavior typical of scammers. In the case of “exchanges” and other investment portals, we can also examine the domain for worrying signals and send you a brief summary.

I have lost the seed phrase for my wallet. Are you able to help me?

If you have lost your wallet seed phrase, unfortunately we will not be able to help you regain access to your wallet. The seed phrase is essential to restore the wallet and without it it is impossible to save the funds. However, if you have a list of words, but do not remember the order - we may be able to help.

I have parts of the seed phrase written down, but I can't remember the correct order. Are you able to help me?

Yes, if you have seed phrase fragments saved, we can try to help you restore the correct sequence. This is a time-consuming process, but there is a possibility that we can regain access to the wallet.