Regulations of theArtysta 3.0 competition


Ladies and Gentlemen,
Always striving to ensure the best possible protection of your personal data, we want to assure you that we protect your personal data at the highest level and in this document you will find all the information about what personal data we process and for what purpose.

1. Data Controller

The administrator of your Personal Data is INTERIOR CAPITAL limited liability company with its registered office in Wrocław, hereinafter also referred to as the “Company”.

2. How to contact the Company? If you have any questions or comments regarding data processing, please contact:

3. What data do we collect and for what purpose?

The scope and purpose of data collection by us depends on the scope of your cooperation again.

Scope of data processed:
(a) name and surname,
(b) nationality,
(c) PESEL number or date of birth - if no PESEL number has been assigned, and country of birth,
d) the series and number of the document establishing the identity of the person,
e) address of residence,
f) name (company), TIN and address of the main place of business activity - in the case of a natural person conducting business activity;

Persons authorized to act on behalf of the Client who is a legal person or organizational unit without legal personalityScope of data processed:
(a) name and surname,
(b) nationality,
(c) PESEL number or date of birth - if no PESEL number has been assigned, and country of birth,
(d) the series and number of the document establishing the identity of the person;
Actual beneficiaries within the meaning of the provisions of the AML Act Scope of processed data:

Scope of data processed:
(a) name and surname,
(b) nationality and, in the case of possession of such data, also:
(c) PESEL number or date of birth - if no PESEL number has been assigned, and country of birth,
d) the series and number of the document establishing the identity of the person,
e) address of residence.

We process the data of Clients, persons authorized to act on behalf of Clients and beneficial owners in order to:
performance of statutory obligations, arising in particular from the need to make settlements and archive documents and from the need to apply security measures by the administrator, as a obliged institution, resulting from the AML Act — the basis for processing is the legal obligation incumbent on the administrator (Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR) arising from the OAML Act on the potential exercise of claims or defence against them, and also identification of persons authorized to represent Clients - the legal basis for processing is a legitimate interest based on the protection of our rights (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR) In cases where the AML Law requires it, the provision of data is a condition for concluding a contract. Without providing them, the administrator will not be entitled to provide the currency exchange service.

4. Personal data of other Clients (if provided)

In the case of Clients to whom the provisions of the AML Act do not apply, personal data will be provided by the Client, we process them in order to:

5. Personal data of persons who are potential customers

We process the data of potential customers, including, for example, name and contact data in order to:
to offer the services of us or our partners, which constitutes our legitimate interest (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR); for the possible establishment, exercise or defence of claims - the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest, consisting in the protection of our rights.In addition, if you use the website, (“Website”), the purposes and grounds for data processing depend on the scope of use from its functionality:

Newsletter;s terms

If you provide the administrator with your e-mail address for this purpose, we provide you with a newsletter service, i.e. providing commercial information about the products or services offered by the administrator. The provision of these data is voluntary, but necessary for sending the newsletter.

Personal data is processed:

When you contact us via the contact form, you are asked to provide identification data, i.e. your name and e-mail address. You may be asked to provide additional data only if it is necessary to handle the matter to which you are contacted. The legal basis in such a case is our legitimate interest of having to resolve the reported matter related to the Service.

User data of profiles in social mediaYour profile on the sites: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn is public. A user who visits our profiles provides us with personal information (e.g. account name, comments, likes, web identifiers and the IP address of the device he is using).

This data is processed in order to: (I) enable us to effectively maintain your profile on a given website or application in order to promote various types of events, services and products and (ii) to communicate with users. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is a duly justified interest, consisting in promoting our brand, improving the quality of the services provided by us as well as current communication with fanpage users

NOTE: the above information does not apply to the processing of your personal data by the administrator of Facebook, Instagram and LinekDin.
How long does the Company process personal data? The period of data processing depends on the legal basis and the purpose of the processing.

The period of data processing depends on the legal basis and purpose of processing.

The data of Clients who have entered into a contract with us (entered into business relations or made an occasional transaction), under the conditions indicated in the AML Act, we process:
for the period of storage of financial and accounting documents indicated in the regulations. In the case of processing personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest, the data are processed in principle until the objection is lodged.

In the case of processing of personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest, the data are processed, as a rule, until you file an objection.

The period of data processing may be extended if the processing is necessary to establish, assert or defend against possible claims, and after this period, only if and to the extent required by law.

What rights do customers have in relation to their personal data? We guarantee the realization of all the rights of the persons whose data we process, including the right to:

We guarantee the realization of all the rights of those whose data we process, including the law:
access to data, including obtaining copies; rectification of data; deletion of data; restriction of data transfer processing; lodging an objection; lodging a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection; IF YOU WISH TO EXERCISE YOUR RIGHTS, PLEASE CONTACT US FIRST.

Who is the personal data shared with? Personal data on the basis of relevant agreements are transferred to entities processing data on behalf of the Company. Such entities process data only in accordance with our instructions, maintaining their confidentiality and security. We have the right to control how we process the data entrusted to us.

Personal data under relevant contracts are transferred to entities that process data on behalf of the Company. Such entities process the data only in accordance with our instructions and in accordance with their confidentiality and security. We have the right to control the processing of the data entrusted to us.

In other cases, personal data may be disclosed to entities authorized only on the basis of legal provisions.

Data transfers outside the EEA The controller transfers personal data outside the EEA as part of the use of the services of such subcontractors as Microsoft Corporation, Google Inc., Hotjar Ltd. and Facebook. We make reasonable efforts to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data, careful consideration of data security offered by subsuppliers and data disclaimers are carried out on the basis of standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission.

Social mediaThe Service uses plug-ins and other social tools provided by social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

In connection with the use of the Website, which contains such a plugin, your browser establishes a direct connection to the servers of administrators of social networks (service providers). The content of the plug-in is transmitted by the respective service provider directly to your browser and integrated into the browser. Thanks to this integration, service providers receive the information that the viewer has displayed the Service to you, even if you do not have a profile of a successful service provider or are not logged in at the same time. This information (together with your IP address) is transmitted by your browser directly to the server of the respective service provider (some servers are located in the USA) and stored there.

If you are logged in to one of the social networking sites, this provider will be able to directly assign a visit to the Service to your profile on that social network. If you use a particular plug-in, such as the “Like” button, this information will also be transmitted directly to the server of the respective service provider and stored there. In addition, this information will be published in the respective social service and will be displayed to those added as your contacts.

The purpose and scope of data collection and its further processing and use by the service providers, as well as the possibility of contact and your rights in this regard and the possibility of making settings ensuring your privacy protection are described in the privacy policy of the respective service providers.

Facebook -

Instagram -

LinkedIn -

If you do not want social networks to associate the data collected during your visit to the Website directly to your profile in the data service, you must log out of this service before visiting the Website. It is also possible to completely prevent loading on the page by using the appropriate extensions for your browser, e.g. blocking scripts.

Cookies Policy

The website uses so-called cookies. These are small text files placed on your devices (e.g. computers) via web browsers. These files allow you to store certain information on your device and then read it by the service that created the files. Cookies usually contain, in addition to the domain name of the website from which they come, also the duration of their storage on the end device and a unique number.

Cookies are used by us to:

Changing cookie settings

Usually, the web browser allows the storage of cookies on the end device by default. However, you have the right to change your cookie settings at any time. In order to change the settings of cookies, you should consult the detailed information about the possibilities and methods of handling cookies, which are available in the settings of your web browser.

If you do not agree to the placement of cookies on your device, you can block their placement by configuring your web browser accordingly. Information on how to do this can be found in the help files of your web browser. In case of blocking the application of cookies coming from the Website, the Administrator cannot guarantee its correct operation. If you do not change the settings in the cookies range, these files will be placed on the end device. This means that the administrator will store the information in the end device and access this information.

 I. Organizatorzy

1. Organizatorem Konkursu na pracę graficzną pt. „Artysta 3.0” (zwanego dalej Konkursem), są: Interior Capital sp. z o.o. oraz thePolacy. Patronat nad Konkursem objęli BeInCrypto Polska oraz
2. Uczestnicy Konkursu wyrażają zgodę na przetwarzanie swoich danych osobowych w zakresie niezbędnym dla potrzeb niniejszego Konkursu, a także w wypadku pozostania laureatami Konkursu – do zamieszczenia swoich danych osobowych w środkach masowego przekazu, zgodnie z treścią Załącznika nr 1 do Regulaminu (kliknij).

II. Temat i cel konkursu

1. Konkurs skierowany jest do wszystkich zainteresowanych. Konkurs polega na przygotowaniu samodzielnej pracy graficznej, która będzie rywalizowała o umieszczenie na Kryptomacie Cashify odsłoniętym w Food Hall Browary Warszawskie.
2. Celem Konkursu jest przygotowanie grafiki dopasowanej do udostępnionego w treści konkursu schematu zawierającej elementy związanej z organizatorami konkursu - Cashify oraz thePolacy - tj.:

- napis thePolacy x Cashify + “theKryptomat”;
- kilka grafik NFT thePolacy (min. 3 “główki”);
- kolory Cashify (kolorystyka: zielony (#002a1c) oraz złoty);
- kolory Food Hall Browary Warszawskie (kolorystyka: składowe podstawowe -#d6533d, #ee6C4d, #f1efe4, #000000; składowe uzupełniające - #cf8d4f, #c0d8d3,#aab8a5);

3. Środkiem wyrazu ma być komputerowa praca graficzna.

4. Praca graficzna musi zgadzać się z wymiarami Kryptomatu (schemat i wymiary maszyny dostępne są pod tym linkiem oraz dopasowana do otoczenia pomieszczeń Food Hallu Browarów Warszawskich (brandbook dostępny pod tym linkiem -

5. Praca powinna posiadać formę pojedynczej grafiki złożonej z kilku grafik. Prace muszą być oryginalne, samodzielne oraz nienaruszające majątkowych i osobistych praw autorskich osób trzecich.

III. Zasady udziału i zgłaszania prac konkursowych 

1. Udział w konkursie jest dobrowolny i bezpłatny. Przystąpienie do Konkursu jest jednoznaczne z akceptacją Regulaminu Konkursu. 
2. Prace konkursowe mogą zgłaszać tylko uczestnicy występujący indywidualnie.
3. Zgłoszenie pracy konkursowej jest jednoznaczne z wyrażeniem zgody na użycie jej przez Organizatora Konkursu, a nadesłane prace na konkurs stają się własnością Organizatora Konkursu i mogą być w całości lub fragmencie wykorzystane do promocji, reklamy, marketingu w prowadzonych działaniach związanych z promowaniem konkursu.
4. Każdy z uczestników Konkursu wraz z nadesłaniem pracy konkursowej opracowanej na podstawie makiety dostępnej tutaj:,

musi podpisać także oświadczenie stanowiące Załącznik nr 1 do Regulaminu.

5. Prace konkursowe w formie elektronicznej wraz z oświadczeniem należy przesłać drogą elektroniczną w terminie do 21 stycznia 2025r. na adres poczty elektronicznej: Praca konkursowa powinna być zapisana w formacie JPG, PNG, TIFF lub PDF.

6. Oryginał oświadczeń (pkt. 10) muszą dostarczyć tylko laureaci konkursu w dniu wręczenia nagród.

IV. Daty konkursowe

1. Start konkursu - 1 grudnia 2024r.
2. Zamknięcie zgłoszeń - 21 stycznia 2025r.
3. Ogłoszenie wyników - 4 lutego 2025r.

V. Zasady przyznawania nagród 

1. Wyboru laureatów dokona Jury Konkursu, składające się z: 

- Kojak (thePolacy),
- Bitciarz (Cashify),
- Bartosz Juraszek (BeInCrypto Polska),
- Sebastian Szczepański (GASP)
- Aleksander Koffer-Likus (Food Hall Browary Warszawskie).

2. Prace biorące udział w konkursie będą oceniane według następujących kryteriów: 
- zgodność merytoryczna i techniczna pracy z założeniami konkursu, 
- oryginalność prac, 
- wykonanie grafiki. 

3. Jury przyzna nagrody za zajęcie: 

a. I miejsca: umieszczenie grafiki na Kryptomacie wraz z oznaczeniem autora; 1xthePolacy NFT, 1x thePolki Ordinals, wernisaż w Food Hall Browary Warszawskie+ voucher na 150 USDC do zrealizowania w Cashify,

b. II miejsca; publikacja pracy na social media Cashify i thePolacy + voucher na 100 USDC do zrealizowania w Cashify,

c. III miejsca. publikacja pracy na social media Cashify i thePolacy

4. W szczególnych przypadkach Jury zastrzega sobie prawo do nieprzyznania nagrody. 

5. Warunkiem koniecznym otrzymania nagrody przez zwycięzców jest dostarczenie oryginału oświadczenia (pkt. 10) w dniu wręczenia nagród oraz potwierdzenie przez Laureata odbioru nagrody przez podpisanie protokołu odebrania nagrody. 

6. Uroczyste ogłoszenie laureatów oraz wręczenie nagród nastąpi w miejscu, gdzie Kryptomat się znajduje, tj. w Food Hall Browary Warszawskie, ul. Haberbuscha i Schielego 2, 00-864 Warszawa.

7. Organizatorzy konkursu mogą poprosić o dopracowanie finalnej wersji pracy konkursowej przed realizacją wydruku okleiny.

VI. Postanowienia końcowe

1. Udział w Konkursie oraz przesłanie prac konkursowych może nastąpić tylko po zapoznaniu się i zaakceptowaniu Regulaminu Konkursu oraz (jeśli autor jest niepełnoletni) po uzyskaniu zgody opiekuna prawnego autora pracy na udział w Konkursie (wiąże się to także z jego zgodą na użycie danych osobowych autora pracy w celu ogłoszenia wyników Konkursu, podsumowania Konkursu, publikacjach w mediach mówiących o Konkursie oraz w celach korespondencyjnych). 
2. Tylko prace spełniające warunki Regulaminu, będą dopuszczone do Konkursu. 
3. Organizatorzy zastrzegają sobie prawo do odwołania, unieważnienia lub przesunięcia terminów Konkursu w każdym czasie oraz zastrzegają sobie prawo zmiany Regulaminu.
4. Wystawa prac w ramach zwycięskiego wernisażu musi być zgodna z regulaminem wewnętrznym Food Hall Browary Warszawskie.
5. W przypadku zajęcia pierwszego miejsca, zwycięzca musi ustalić datę wernisażu z Organizatorami (nie później niż 90 dni od dnia wygrania konkursu).Jeśli zwycięzca nie wyraża chęci wystawy wernisażu, lub nie posiada odpowiedniej dla niego ilości prac - zorganizowanie wernisażu nie jest obowiązkowe.